Wednesday: it doesn’t suck. But it’s not awesome either. It’s neither noteworthy, nor forgettable. It’s neither energizing nor draining.

Wednesday is just, I don’t know, “there” in the week. It’s not Monday, so at least it has that going for it. But it’s also not Friday – which everyone loves – so it better not get too cocky.

There are 52 Wednesdays per year. Unless the year starts on a Wednesday, in which case I believe we are fortunate enough in those instances to add a 53rd. My wife and I have experienced about 800 Wednesdays in our marriage so far. Sweeeeet.

There are so many times when I come home tired from a day that sucks. Or maybe the day didn’t suck, maybe it was just a totally average day in the middle of the week and now I’m tired.

Having a person that I love to come home to makes those days better. (That and going out together to half priced wine nights at Harryman House – that also helps Wednesdays.)

That’s been the most surprising difference for me from what I thought marriage would be like versus what it actually is

I think I am like most guys when I envisioned the woman that I would marry. Beautiful, kind, smart – and that we would find love and romance, go out to nice dinners, make incredible memories together. That has all been true… But I had some of those things with other women that I dated over the years. What separates my marriage from those other relationships is that I just like hanging out with my wife more than anyone else.

This is my experience for the first time in my life. Given other options, I would rather just be with her… I am pretty headstrong and independent. I never looked for, or needed, someone else to make me happy. In fact, just the opposite… I have always been perfectly content to make plans for my life, set goals, and go after them. To make lots of friends and enjoy spending time with them whenever possible. I just never thought I would meet someone who I liked being with more than I liked being on my own time.

We are at the point in our relationship where we actually try to do nothing. We believe that it actually feels great not to have any plans. We create a situation when there is literally nothing going on whatsoever…

One could make the argument that we are intentionally, sometimes, creating Wednesdays. Days in the middle… Days that don’t seem exciting in any particular way…

So there are a lot of Wednesdays in marriage.

Days that do not suck.

Days that are not awesome.

Days that are unspectacular in every way.

Days that are just in the middle of every other day.

Days that being married to your best friend makes a little bit better.


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