Guest Bloggers

Enlightenment from Guest Bloggers

Read thought- provoking and inspiring stories from our special guest authors.
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John Caruso

John Caruso

Believe it or not while John was raised in Baltimore, steamed crabs are not his thing.  BUT, he knows full well that ordering steamed crabs or anything that is called “Maryland Crab” anywhere outside of the greater Baltimore area is a complete waste of time, especially if it doesn’t have Old Bay (the actual proper pronunciation is O’Bay).  He lives and dies with his beloved Orioles and Ravens. ​After spending over 20 years of his life as a firefighter and EMT, he now works as a licensed behavioral therapist, with a primary focus on trauma in the fire service population.
John is an active writer and authored a memoir on the post-traumatic stress of being an emergency first responder.  He is a beloved husband and father to two wonderful children and 2 spoiled rotten dogs.  When he’s not working or writing (seriously, that doesn’t happen much), he’s spending time with his family, always dreaming of having toes in the sand at the beach.

PI Writing – Part 1

I can tell you with 100% certainty, I have lived my dream. I was a fire fighter. When I was a young child, I vividly remember seeing the fire engine go down the street and wanting nothing more than to be “one of them”. When I was 14, I was lucky enough to join the...

PI Writing – Part 2

If you were to look around you, could you tell if someone was suffering from a mental illness? Obviously, we do not have the kind of power within us. The sad reality is that many people struggle with mental illness, but they go through it silently. Many people go...

The Inspiring Side of Trauma

The inspiration for my writing sometimes comes out of the middle of nowhere. I was driving down the road and listening to my usual country music station. On the weekend, they have a program where they introduce new music and new artists, “On The Horizon”. This past...

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